
21022008 . Thursday . Sun


First of all
I would like to wish my eldest sister safe journey to Japan
hope everything is going to be fine
has a memorable and enjoyable trip there
Loves -

Okay back to the topic
Am going back to Cyberjaya this coming Saturday
Oh I really want to shout out loudly
I don wanna Leave !!
I miss everything at home
I miss every single soul I Love
just couldn't imagine days without them besides me
no one will take care of me
helping me do this and that
*Tears dropped*
I just don't want Leave
a big No no ..

Now pressing on my eldest sister's keyboard
feeling weird
and her pc is damn lag
lagging all the while I log in, typing etc
when it comes to load the page
the condition is even worst
Okay I think I miss my pc
and all the movies and series inside

Talk about the time table
I am screwed up with that
Let's share it

Monday 1-4pm Drawing
Tuesday Off
Wednesday 9-12pm Typography design 1-4pm Design studies
Thursday 10-12pm English 1
Friday 10-12pm History of Multimedia 2-5pm Digital Imaging

So that's means I can't stay at Kuantan longer than usual
just the same and it doesn't help
Feel sad =(

Mommy is busy helping me to pack things I want to bring back
Wanted tell her I want to stay but just can't
I swear Baby won't miss me
as she always stick with her another aunt and always fight with me
Uh huh ..
gonna miss her lots
dunno will cry out or not

there is still some hope I am looking for
such like lunch at Bar B Q plaza on Sat ?

u know what to do rite ?
U just too love me ain't ?

Ha Ha

Tze Yee

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