Another bad day `

* I almost crazIeee . like I never do

O5o9 2oO7 . Wednesday

13.31 p.m.

Sadly . it is the first time on this blog . I am so hard to press the keyboard

Today is a bad day
because of something really easy to influence my day
and I don't know where to start
and I don't know how to tell ..
but I wish to post something about it
Like I really do . really

I always wonder why ppl want to seal their post
now I understand
and I ll be one of them too
soon / sooner `

For somebody close .

I want to say
I really appreciate u
and I never mean to hurt u
If I did . I promise no next time ..
really `

my Life . my G' dom . my gang - sTarz `

my LOVEs

- gS - Tendollar


kongguli said...

erm....duno wat to say but ...i surpose ...part of the sorry for me?haha...i wonder ...arora~~~i hope u will let it go soon ...and ..hope can chat longer if got chance..and ..u really a good person ..really stop asking me to stop trusting u ...
take k girl~

kongguli said...

hmmm..mayb its not me haha....wu liao ....

Tze Yee said...

Honestly . this post is not fOr u
but I also do feel sorry to ya
and yeah ` better dun trust me
Take Care ``
