Life drawing and gentleman

21O8o7 . Tuesday . sunny + cLoudy `

15.42 p.m.
Listening to ' BaCk at one '
It is nice and felt in LOVE when listening to it
the nice melody
and sweet lyrics ..

In this situation
I usually will lay on my lovely bed
cover myself with blanket
with the cold cold relaxing eye mask
dreaming around `

but LIFE DRAWING spoiled all of this
5O figure per week
I used to think
Is it a little bit close to crazeee ?
Don't you all think so ?
besides all the assignments . presentations and the exercises Of others subject
U still asked me draw 5O figure per week !?
I think I might die fOr it
and I really HATE it lotx
I have to fOrce myself to finish it
I don't want rush at the last minute
HATE to burn midnight oil really ``

Few minutes ago
I just finish read Kuso's blog
she post something like " where is all the gentleman ? "
I do understand her feeling
Yest we went to tesco fOr delicious meal and shopping ` fOods shopping =)
It is a nice moment spending time there
the bad part is
when we want to go on bus
The men are really out of '' gentleman - ness ''
some even shout ' MEN FIRST ! '
I am totally speechless ..
Do they ever shame of themselves
It is no wrong if you don't wish to let the girls go first
but it is a SIN when u are talking something like this ..
They even laugh among the peoples and ..
I am so angry ..
how come the world become like this
All the time I at Cyberjaya
I am totally hopeless to see any gentleman
They either all dead or they are hiding themselves from my world `

By the way
man who is not gentleman is bad
man who is always want to show like they are very gentleman
Is totally SUCKS
seriously `
SUCKS !! ~

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