It's not a Book

02122008 . Tuesday . Unknown weather

This is a short update,

I am home for 6 days and another 2 months plus to go
and these 6 days
I never meet up with any of my friends
yet, I just step out from my house twice with my family
wonder how I spent my time?
No, I do not sleep all the time
I just addicted to a story, a long story which I got it from my house mate
it is now in my handset, and I was holding it more than 12 hours a day
plus I do not bother any message because of it
well, I still pick up phone call for God's sake
imagine how good the story plot is
but it is not a great one
so don't expect too much shall we?

Life like this is good and meaningless
It's relaxing and you have no motivation to finish anything
sister advices me to take part some competition
meanwhile, she is doing her design all the time when I am awake
I do not hear from anyone in my class
hope you guys are doing fine
parents asked me to get a driving license during this sem break
I not really want it honestly
I don't have the gut to drive, and I never excited about it
so I will wait until they rush me to do that

Baby Lynn is learning thing fast
and I can't wait to see the next baby darling
April it is
I am excited
hope everything is going fine

May GOD bless everyone of you.



Quin said...

i have been back for two weeks and i haven't seen a single friend of mine. that's sadder than u. i have had enough of this idyllic lifestyle.. i want excitement now!!

oi~ wat about that journey to the west book i gave u?? when u said u addicted to a book, for a moment there i tot it's the book i gave u. ceh...

learn something. remember. website. hehe..

Tze Yee said...

Oh dear
I was so conflict should I tell you the truth
and now I decided to tell, since we are always willing to tell the true feeling of us ain't
the truth is
I had the exactly same book that you gave me
I thought I shouldn't make you down right after the surprise failed

Sorry, no offense ya

yeah yeah
I got some tutorial but they make my head spin
maybe later =)
I saw ur works
they are nice, I love them

keep it up

miss ya

Quin said...


wahahahhahah~~~ apalalu.... ur such a boring person to give a surprise to la....... first u figured it out, second u got the present i gave u. and summore act so happy and surprised!!

haha.... but ok la.. at least i felt gud when i gave it to u. and it's pretty funny also. anyway, read MY book! i dun care!! haha...