Another day

21062008 . Saturday . Unknown weather

0154 a.m.

It's late
and I am still siting in front Darling sister's lappy
It's kind of unbelievable for me still sitting here
Usually I am sleeping at this time
and no one can wake me up
I think my sleeping habit is starting to change again
As usual
it will be very abnormal for a student
but it actually quite common for a student who is having her semester break

Just finished my chicken wings which my Dear sister bought for family supper
* burp *
Real full since I had 2 cups of iced tea as well
Tmr Sister's Oscar comes
Wonder how is Baby Lyn's reaction
she will be very excited or she will keeps quiet and stares at Sis's Oscar?
Still remember 6 days ago
when I first see her again after 2 months time
She scared and keep quiet, stood aside quietly and stared at me for minutes
She treated me as a complete Stranger
Sigh . Heart broken
Well ..
Hour later
She screamed She run happily around me
I guess she recalled back who am I
These few days my life is all about her, Baby Lyn
I Love her, Love her for being my niece, for being so cute, for being so innocent
and I still love her even she bites, she screams, she beats, she cries for no reason

I guess I am starting to get Blur ..
Talk tmr
Night guys

Tze Yee

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