Give me a movie break

I want to watch these:

/// Toy Story 3
// The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
// Sex and The City 2
// Despicable Me
// the Karate Kid
// Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang
/ Flirting Scholar 2
/ Love in a Puff
/ She's out of my League
/ The Legend is Born: IP Man
/ The A-Team
/ The Fantastic Water Babes
/ Inception
/ Knight and Day
/ Frozen (please do not waste money to watch this)
/ Triple Tap

who's on?

2005 and Eason Chan

These are my favorite songs from Eason Chan:

1.当这地球没有花 2.黑夜不再来 3.给爱丽斯 4.伤信 5.与我常在 6.打回原形 7.绵绵 8.K歌之王 9.人来人往 10.Shall We Talk 11.防不胜防 12.沙龙 13.阿士匹灵 14.低等动物 15.单车 16.浮夸 17.孤独探戈 18.夕阳无限好 19.最佳损友 20.一丝不挂 21.陀飞轮 22.低调 23.明年今日 24.你的背包 25.Last Order 26.黄金时代 27.对不起谢谢 28.冤气 29.Shall We Dance 30.天下无双

31.幸福摩天轮 32.阿牛 33.葡萄成熟时 34.无人之境 35.于心有愧 36.不如不见 37.信心花舍 38.十面埋伏 39.时光倒流20年 40.猜情寻 41.时代巨轮 42.三个人的探戈 43.爱是怀疑 44.怕死 45.富士山下 46.岁月如歌 47.裙下之臣 48.天下太平 49.今日 50.忘记歌词

51.一切还好 52.时代曲 53.活着多好 54.贝多芬与我 55.黑择明 56.还有什么可以送给你 57.粵語殘片 58.深心伤透 59.King Kong 60.八里公路 61.随意门 62.打得火热 63.兴灾乐祸 64.冲口而出 65.落花流水 66.1874 67.不然你要我怎么样 68.热岛小夜曲 69.谢谢侬 70.心的距离

* The 2005's

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