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27032009 . Friday . It's just 1.54 a.m. now

I am feeling down today
skipped lunch as the tutorial sections I had today were really upset me
I hope things will not get any worst
it's either I can take it or not, and obviously I still can't

I had made my mind,
I decided to throw my previous idea into the rubbish bin
instead of stuck on this idea, why I don't I try something else
hopefully it works
or else
more tissue and more mind-maps
that's what I can do.

I doubt how nerve it will be to have tutorial with them anymore
when you can't think, no one can force you to think well
even lecturer is starting to threaten you with the marks
just can't think it out, what to do?

Anyway, I am going home on next Monday
I am little bit excited yet worry
and concern about the mother who is going to give birth
hope she is doing well and feeling better now

I actually just wanted to express myself a little
I was doing Advertising brainstorming thingy and now still working on it
don't forget Lawrence work is there waiting for me to finish up
I doubt, maybe the next good sleep will be in the bus when I am on the way back to hometown
how pathetic it is

Designer's life
do you still want to be a Designer?

I am,
but still advice you to think twice.

sometimes I get a little bit mean and cruel, to certain people. God, please forgive me for my naive act but I still don't want to change it.

p/s: Eric Chih ! Thank you for found my precious Beryl's packaging
I know you were kidding about this, but I owe you a thank you so I still blog it out

and to my semester 4 Graphic design lecturer, I will remember you, for how you treat my designed packaging. How dare you are.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at least ur packaging is still in one piece with everything inside.. not like mine........