O424 a.m.

I'm feeling bored
wanted to eat Mcd
who knows only have Maggie Curry
but then Darling Doris promised to bring me out for Mcd tomorrow
it's very sweet of her

I am so boring
have nothing good to do
I read blogs
I commented photos and status
and nothing else left

why? why so boring?
maybe I should really call Ah Thiam
I don't want learn driving

someone please update their blog
I need something to read
I can't sleep yet
just had Maggie Curry and I am very full now

p/s: I tried to design something but then I am totally clueless


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I update ytday!! You faster learn. Must try to break the wall in your heart o! I'm waitin the day to see u drive~ Muaxxx... Currently in dad's office. Veryvery cold, my finger is freezing...