I do guarantee

27042008 . Sunday . unknown weather

0140 a.m.

I'm feeling weird at this moment
Moments ago, I did disappointed someone who did meant everything for me
I'm wondering Why I do so?
and I know what the conversation ll turn out from the first message I get from
but I do believe on what I belief
so I refuse to help, I'm guilty and that's all
Sometime I wonder is it deserved
but I know what is more important
myself belief is more important, I am me and nobody
I guarantee friends I won't tell out their secrets or whatever thing they asked me don't tell
so it is a promise and I must do that
For sure, I won't help besties' boys hide another girl from them
and that's why I never be too close with any girl's boy there

Too bad when things happened among close friends
I force to hold my belief and sorry for anyone
I still won't tell out what you told and asked
in another hand, I won't tell you things she/he told

Some of you might think It's not good for being so not helpful
but I do understand what am I doing
sometime I do confused but I still believe never betray someone who trust you
No one will be happy if the one she/ he trusted so much tell out their secrets ain't?
Include you?

Signing off,
Tze Yee

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